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reconciliation week
DCHP-2 (Sep 2013)
n. — Politics, Aboriginal, First Nations
the week surrounding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's BC National Event .
Type: 4. Culturally Significant — Reconciliation week was proclaimed in British Columbia for the week of 16-22 September 2013, with events taking place mainly in Vancouver. These socially important events aimed to move toward a reconciliation between Indigenous people and all other Canadians.
See: residential school,Truth and Reconciliation Commission,residential school survivor,reconciliation
The City of Vancouver is proud to be hosting the activities of Reconciliation Week during September 16-22nd. These events, co-hosted by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Reconciliation Canada, are a historic opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to come together.
I am proud that Vancouver is the first city in Canada to proclaim this a Year of Reconciliation, and I encourage other municipalities to promote reconciliation within their communities. We want to encourage stronger connections built on understanding, respect, and empathy between Aboriginal people and all Canadians. Reconciliation is about acknowledging the past and working together to build a better future, together.
The provincial government has proclaimed this week to be Reconciliation Week, leading up to the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) event, taking place in Vancouver.
Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation John Rustad made the announcement on Sunday, kicking off the event, which runs from Sept. 16 to 22.
"All of these things, the proclamation and the event are designed around raising an awareness," Rustad told the Dawson Creek Daily News. "It's about raising the level of awareness of Canadians and the level of understanding of what Aboriginal people went through in residential schools."